So I have my second rotary member behind me, this time I shot with User Dragan Video. He has taken command in the video and I did everything what he wants from me. This has to be kind of fun so properly, was to me again something new and totally interesting. So hope you enjoy the video LG Sexy Foxi ...

So here it is, User Frank I selected for my first video users. We were at my favorite place where I have already often times shot a video, hopefully us there nobody secretly observed in our rotation he he he. Frank just made me convinced with his application, although he is already 46 years old, he had still some strikes which sex is concerned. He has promised too much and definitely had an amazing endurance. But when I took off his pants and his stiff cock had in front of me, I thought first oohh which he gave me not told what a surprise he had for me since. Since I could even stand him at times mmmhhh to taste hardly. I'm totally happy that I have so still done something, was so hesitant at first if I can make a video user with a stranger to me at all. But now I have come to the taste and also got really feel like more adventure with other users ;-) .... Have fun with the video your Sexy Foxi ...

So here it is, User Frank I selected for my first video users. We were at my favorite place where I have already often times shot a video, hopefully us there nobody secretly observed in our rotation he he he. Frank just made me convinced with his application, although he is already 46 years old, he had still some strikes which sex is concerned. He has promised too much and definitely had an amazing endurance. But when I took off his pants and his stiff cock had in front of me, I thought first oohh which he gave me not told what a surprise he had for me since. Since I could even stand him at times mmmhhh to taste hardly. I'm totally happy that I have so still done something, was so hesitant at first if I can make a video user with a stranger to me at all. But now I have come to the taste and also got really feel like more adventure with other users ;-) .... Have fun with the video your Sexy Foxi ...

So jetzt ist es soweit, User Frank habe ich für mein erstes User Video ausgewählt. Wir waren an meinem Lieblings Ort wo ich auch schon öfters mal ein Video gedreht habe, hoffentlich hat uns dort niemand heimlich beobachtet bei unserem Dreh he he he. Frank hat mich einfach mit seiner Bewerbung überzeugt, obwohl er schon 46 Jahre alt ist hat er noch einiges drauf gehabt was Sex angeht. Er hat auf jeden Fall nicht zu viel versprochen und eine erstaunliche Ausdauer gehabt. Als ich seine Hose ausgezogen habe und sein steifen Schwanz vor mir hatte, dachte ich erstmal oohh davon hat er mir aber nichts erzählt was für eine Überraschung er da für mich hatte. Da konnte ich auch kaum wieder stehen ihn gleich mal zu kosten mmmhhh. Ich bin total happy das ich so etwas doch noch gemacht habe, war ja zuerst etwas skeptisch ob ich ein User Video mit einem mir fremden Mann überhaupt machen kann. Aber jetzt bin ich auf den Geschmack gekommen und habe auch richtig Lust auf noch mehr Abenteuer bekommen mit anderen Usern ;-)….

Viel Spaß mit dem Video eure Sexy-Foxi...

Since a lot of requests came from my users multipled a NS video to make, it was now high time to make one become. I also asked the same my friend whether she would sometimes feel like something to do. She has equal unhesitatingly said, because it just a crazy thing like me he he he. In any case, each NS lovers will now come here at his own expense. We two have made a real little Nazi Saurerei in the video, nothing remained dry or unaffected. We also spoil each other for the first time with our tongues, I did not know that I would like it that way. betrayed Well enough have lots of fun with the video LG your Sexy Foxi

Since a lot of requests came from my users multipled a NS video to make, it was now high time to make one become. I also asked the same my friend whether she would sometimes feel like to do something. She has equal unhesitatingly said, because it just a crazy thing like me he he he. In any case, each NS lovers will now come here at his own expense. We two have made a real little Nazi Saurerei in the video, nothing remained dry or unaffected. We also spoil each other for the first time with our tongues, I did not know that I would like it that way. betrayed Well enough have lots of fun with the video LG your Sexy Foxi