Wow ... that was a mammoth task! A - no, three - custom-made videos for Madmax124! Three times pee in the same jeans! For a whole day I needed it! Was not easy to raise a vintage jeans with a higher waist. But ... I've found one. A true, at least 30 years old jeans! The first video was still easy. attracted the jeans, legs pressed together and then ... pee! My bladder was again brimming, the jeans were quickly immmer darker, the pee flowed only so up to my flat ballerinas. Then I pulled out and folded the heavy, totally soaked jeans. emptied The ballerinas and even wrung the soaking wet socks. That you can see in this video. Then I again started drinking! Seeehr much ... until my bladder was full again. Second String ... put the wet jeans again and ... that you see in the next video. And in the next ...

You are my slave Nylon Sau, my personal fuck meat? That you can have until you must lick my pussy through my tights and if there enough pussies sticks juice in it I pull it to you over your head, well you still have desires? Oh I will ride you? Well I just would like to rid you bring me to orgasm worm, then there is a cool reward when I suck you with your mouth the cock empty. So you've imagined you miserable fuck meat, because only you are to use to make me horny and to my delight!

Linda ist die Tochter von meiner Ex Freundin, ich habe sie als Teenager kennen gelernt als noch 14 Jahre alt war, da ich ja mit ihrer Mutter für eine längere Zeit zusammen war. Eigentlich haben wir uns früher nicht so gut verstanden ich und Linda, weil ich halt der neue Freund ihrer Mutter war und sie ja ganz andere Interessen hatte als Teenager. Aber ich wusste schon damals, wenn sie mal 18 Jahre alt ist wird aus ihr ein richtiges süßes und nettes Mädchen. Und so ist es auch passiert ich traf sie neulich beim Einkaufen und hätte sie fast gar nicht wiedererkannt, als wir dann ins Gespräch kamen verstanden uns auf einmal richtig gut, sie hat sich auch entschuldigt das sie früher immer eine Zicke gewesen ist usw. Daraufhin habe ich sie mal zu mir nach Hause eingeladen um ihr zu zeigen wie ich so wohne und was dann passiert ist könnt ihr euch ja Vorstellen, also sieht es euch selbst an…

In power, he was looking for a horny Drecksfotze & I just wanted his fat cock, so I made a date with him and welcomed him home already nassfotzig with my piss Drecksfotze in hot outfit because I wanted he swoops down with his fat cock immediately about me! That my house Bock (no Coocky) is next door while present in the kitchen was ok for the type! - But then, however, the "failure" because during my nymph grotto already dripping again without end wanted the guy initially still prefer instead of me with his spanking abzuficken immediately neatly 4th coffee! Notgeil I rammed therefore in the kitchen while his next coffee he waited again the first best handle prepare dildo in my cock greedy fuck hole. According groaning I spits my departure from my house while Bock spontaneously to the camera grabbed my somewhat provocative unique action for you to hold! My orgasm was whining to hear neither my neighbors nor by my waiting on his next coffee in the living room type. But even after happening to him, unfortunately, nothing more! - Sorry, but what a squirt. Would you have reacted differently?

Can you imagine actually how common that is using this Squiertorgasmen. If the Nasty guys who first noticed that it n button at Mandy's because they only need to press so I go crazy poor thing, how ne astray Rumschreie and everything'm wet which is nearby. The worst is when I s cock in her mouth still and 2. it gets down to meet my g-spot with his penis. hab euch mal collected about 20 of these torments which I also fully get my ass. Looking forward to your comments